What’s My Social Selling Index Score?

You may have heard that LinkedIn has an algorithm that calculates your social selling index (SSI).

It measures four key areas of your activity:

1). Your Personal Brand

2). Your ability to find the right people

3). Your engagement with insights

4). Your relationship building skills

I’m currently operating at around the 86 out of 100 mark but have been slightly higher – clearly there is room for improvement for all of us. What surprised me was that the average SSI for my industry is a paltry 23 out of 100 and even within my network its only 43. Clearly a lot of people just don’t know how to use social media to help them sell.

LinkedIn has released data suggesting that people with higher SSIs get more sales opportunities, get promoted faster (over 3 years faster!) and win more business. If you click here you can find more information on how to improve your score: www.myssi.co.uk

Categories: : LinkedIn, Social Selling Index, Social Selling Index Score, SSI